Windows 8 almost ready
Windows 8 almost ready

Iĭon't have many local GP settings left and there are some that don't Like to avoid local GP as much as possible if I can. Have to track down some HKCU counterparts to local GP settings. Should be able to get almost everything I want. Unfortunately, MS is moving away from the registry for some items which You'd just have some extraneous registry entries - which would becomeīit of work to do in tracking down some settings, it seems, Same registry spots so backwards compatibility shouldn't be a problem. The most part features that carried over from 1709 have remained in the easier to exclude apps from being removed for those who actually read through the script :P - almost everything has a comment so you know wtf is going on tablet, onedrive, xbox, and cortana switches (opt-in, so using the switch will enable that stuff) many options moved from local GP to HKCU (and default ntuser.dat), avoiding "*Some settings are managed by your organization." (leaving the current version available for people)? When it's ready, should I put it in the current Decrapifier version 2 script page, or make a new one for this version

Windows 8 almost ready